Personalized Learning Dashboard

📎 Product Design, User Interface, Motion Design


Competency-based education (in which students progress by demonstrating their mastery of the content rather than recording seat time) is a hot topic in higher education right now, and Northern Arizona University is the first public institution to offer bachelor’s degrees of this type.


Personalized Learning throws several higher-ed conventions out the window. Students can:

  • Start their degree on any day of the year.
  • Take bite-sized “Lessons” rather than full-term courses, in any order they wish.
  • Test out of content in which they can prove competency.
  • Work at the pace they wish, with no hard deadlines.
  • Pay a Netflix-like flat-rate subscription for 6 months of access.
  • Request help from a mentor that stays with them through their entire degree.

The end result is that PL students can transfer prior credits into our program — and graduate with an official transcript listing courses, exactly the same as the one they’d receive if they completed a traditional degree. We are currently the only competency-based program to do so.

Because PL is truly innovative, every aspect of the interface and back-end connections to the University’s systems has needed to be re-imagined.

Shooting Script Animatic

Our Marketing team produced a video helping to explain in simple terms how PL works. I wrote the script and provided this animatic (created in Keynote) to provide a guide for their shoot.